作为我们学校使命的一部分,教育整个孩子, Head-Royce seeks to develop physically healthy and socially and emotionally aware students who understand themselves and others. 认识到“健康”的概念是更广泛的系统思维的一部分, we seek to instill in students an understanding of the many components of wellness and learning that lead to happiness and healthy living.
We aim to help our students understand the benefits of healthy eating and physical fitness; the importance of self-awareness; the steps to self-acceptance and self-advocacy; many strategies to effectively navigate social dynamics; and tools for effective communication skills.
学生支持服务由学习专家组成的协作团队组成, 辅导员, 健康教育工作者, 和学校护士们一起培育学术的发展, 行为, 以及学生的社会情感健康. This collaborative team works together with the staff and community to provide a 支持ive learning environment, 积极的社交技能发展, 情感上的平衡, 身体健康.